• Complete compliance with legal obligations in the field of digital tachograph management.
  • Evaluation of customers data.
  • Infringements report for each driver and explanation.
  • Warnings on dates of needed download, calibration, expiration of cards.  Technical support available.
  • Two years of data storing.
  • Vehicle report of driving without the card.

How to send data for evaluation

Remote download device

download device

You can send us data remotely using Download Box Remote, which send data directly to our experts.. Reports of evaluated data will be send to your e-mail. This option is the simplest, because it is set to send regularly automatically and you do not have to worry about anything else.

Classic download device

download device

If you have classic download device Dowload Box II S , you can send data on assigned email address.Reports of evaluated data will be send to your e-mail. 

Potřebujete poradit?Do you need advice?Potrebujete poradiť?

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat
v pracovní dny od 8.00-16.00.

Do not hesitate to contact us
on working days from 8.00-16.00.

Neváhajte nás kontaktovať
v pracovné dni od 8.00-16.00.