Simple and intuitive
interface full of functions contributes to considerable time savings in the evaluation of data from driver cards, digital tachographs and also tachograph discs.

  • Regular update
  • Technical support
  • Manuals
  • In house made download devices
Evaluation of data from tachographs
data from the tachograph

Solutions for large and small companies

The program has been developed so that everyone can use it. Data from the driver's card, data from the digital tachograph (or tachograph discs) will be evaluated by and a report will be generated with possible infringements against EU Regulation 561/2006. The program also processes data from intelligent tachographs and displays available GPS positions..

  • Wide scale of reports 
    Hours worked, night work, vehicle usage report, confirmation of activities...
  • Easy export 
    For Control bodies
  • Analysis 
    Individual infringements
  • Warnings 
    The need to download cards, vehicles, calibrate tachographs and more
data from the tachograph

Simply fulfill your legal obligation

Standard in the field of control and archiving of records from digital and analog tachographs. Monitoring compliance with EU regulations 561/2006, AETR, 478/2000 and 462/2007.

Choose a variant of the program for your road transport

TAGRA.EU - For Companies

For Companies

According number of vehicles

VariantEvaluation and archiving of data from driver cards and digital tachographsWith Evaluation of tachograph chartsNumber of VehiclesE-shop
Digi 1
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů.
Počet aut:
Digi 2
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů.
Počet aut:
Digi 4
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů.
Počet aut:
Mini 6
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů + vyhodnocování tachografových kotoučků.
Počet aut:
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů.
Počet aut:
Varianta obsahuje: Vyhodnocování a archivace dat z karet řidičů a digitálních tachografů + vyhodnocování tachografových kotoučků.
Počet aut:

The version can be upgraded at any time via upgrade. There is no need to buy the whole new version .  Buy

TAGRA.EU - For Drivers

For Drivers

For one driver card

Due to the great interest of the drivers themselves, who were looking for a program with which they can easily evaluate the data from the driver card and possibly plan further activities, our company decided to modify the program directly for their needs.

Advantages of the Trucker version

  • archiving, evaluation and planning on the go
  • working time and infringements report
  • infringements for 29 days
  • planning further work, rest and driving time
  • card reader included

The license is unlimited in time. The annual update fee is paid after the first year of use (optional). However, we strongly recommend that you update the program regularly so that the evaluated data complies with the latest legislation.

Program TRUCKER order in our E-Shop

TAGRA.EU - For Control Bodies

For Control Bodies

Pro dohlížení a kontrolu Control software is a top solution for fast and accurate analysis of social regulations. It evaluates both Regulation 561/2006 as amended by Regulation 1054/2020 and Czech legislation (589/2006, 262/2006, 478/2000, 3821/1985, etc.). It has tailor-made reports for the needs of control bodies on the roads and in the companies.

The Control software is used by control bodies, such as the Police of the Czech Republic, the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic,Ministry of Transport Czech republic, Regional Authorities, Labor Inspectorates, Municipalities with extended powers, etc. 

In cooperation with the inspection bodies, based on their practical experience, there are individual adjustments in the inspection module of the software for a more efficient course of the inspection.

Truck Data Technology, s.r.o also conducts training in the operation of the Control software.

Potřebujete poradit?Do you need advice?Potrebujete poradiť?

Neváhejte nás kontaktovat
v pracovní dny od 8.00-16.00.

Do not hesitate to contact us
on working days from 8.00-16.00.

Neváhajte nás kontaktovať
v pracovné dni od 8.00-16.00.